Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Reduce DIALOGIC SIGTRAN implementation cost

If you already use or plan to use DIALOGIC DSI SS7 SIGTRAN stack, you have noticed the high cost of its layers and implementation.

We have succeeded to integrate 2 layers into the Stack:

     - SCTP : Linux kernel SCTP implementation LK-SCTP.
     - M3UA : A very strong M3UA implementation.

This has permitted to decrease the cost dramatically for our customer and, given the possibility to customize the M3UA layer for his own needs.

For more information, please contact: mosbah.abdelkader@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mosbah,
    Could you give me a nick( yahoo, skype..) to chat.
    I need you advice me something about SIGTRAN protocol stack
    Tks so much!
