Tuesday, 20 December 2011

An M3UA SIGTRAN protocol stack

We provide an M3UA SIGTRAN stack based on:

     - LK-SCTP implementation.
     - Our M3UA user space implementation.

This implementation has been deployed in a Real Carrier Network.

M3UA Layers.

The stack can be used in the following configurations regarding connections between ASP and SGP: 

     - Mono-homing : 1 IP per association.
     - Multi-homing : many IPs per association
     - Mono-connection : 1 association between ASP and SGP.
     - Multi-connections : many associations between ASP and SGP.

Here are some examples: 

A mono-homed (1 IP per association), mono-connected (1 association) M3UA ASP and SGP

A multi-homed (many IPs per association), multi-connected (many associations) M3UA ASP and SGP

Depending on customer needs, we can combine the features to fit its requirements.

Here is a list of features of the M3UA stack:

     - Uses Linux Kernel SCTP implementation: LK-SCTP.
     - Supports any Linux 2.6 kernel based distribution.
     - Supports many complex SCTP configurations.
     - Linux User space implementation.
     - Tested with DIALOGIC SCCP/TCAP/MAP stack.
     - M3UA ASP and SGP implementations.

For more info, please contact: mosbah.abdelkader@gmail.com

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