Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Announcing OpenSGW: an Open Source M3UA/MTP3 Signaling Gateway

OpenSGW is an effort to build an Open Source Signaling Gateway between SIGTRAN MTP3 Layer and TDM MTP3 Layer.

OpenSGW is built in C under Linux 2.6 kernels.

OpenSGW use:
     - DIGIUM LIBSS7 for MTP3/MTP2 layers.
     - DAHDI for L1.
     - An open source M3UA LIB from sourceforge.net.
     - LK-SCTP for SSCTP layer.

Any DAHDI hardware will be supported, for example:
     - DIGIUM.
     - ATCOM.
     - ...etc.

A sample network implementation is shown below:

For more information: mosbah.abdelkader@gmail.com

Reduce DIALOGIC SIGTRAN implementation cost

If you already use or plan to use DIALOGIC DSI SS7 SIGTRAN stack, you have noticed the high cost of its layers and implementation.

We have succeeded to integrate 2 layers into the Stack:

     - SCTP : Linux kernel SCTP implementation LK-SCTP.
     - M3UA : A very strong M3UA implementation.

This has permitted to decrease the cost dramatically for our customer and, given the possibility to customize the M3UA layer for his own needs.

For more information, please contact: mosbah.abdelkader@gmail.com

An M3UA SIGTRAN protocol stack

We provide an M3UA SIGTRAN stack based on:

     - LK-SCTP implementation.
     - Our M3UA user space implementation.

This implementation has been deployed in a Real Carrier Network.

M3UA Layers.

The stack can be used in the following configurations regarding connections between ASP and SGP: 

     - Mono-homing : 1 IP per association.
     - Multi-homing : many IPs per association
     - Mono-connection : 1 association between ASP and SGP.
     - Multi-connections : many associations between ASP and SGP.

Here are some examples: 

A mono-homed (1 IP per association), mono-connected (1 association) M3UA ASP and SGP

A multi-homed (many IPs per association), multi-connected (many associations) M3UA ASP and SGP

Depending on customer needs, we can combine the features to fit its requirements.

Here is a list of features of the M3UA stack:

     - Uses Linux Kernel SCTP implementation: LK-SCTP.
     - Supports any Linux 2.6 kernel based distribution.
     - Supports many complex SCTP configurations.
     - Linux User space implementation.
     - Tested with DIALOGIC SCCP/TCAP/MAP stack.
     - M3UA ASP and SGP implementations.

For more info, please contact: mosbah.abdelkader@gmail.com

Monday, 3 January 2011

About this blog

This blog will give an overview of some technologies I am working in and/or interested in.

Especially, I will focus on these technologies:
    1- SUN JAIN platform.
    2- OSA/PARLAY.
    3- Service Delivery Platforms SDP.
    4- VAS.
    5- VoIP.
    6- SS7.
    7- Telecommunications Middleware.